Our Curriculum Model Rationale and Entitlement

The architecture of our curriculum model designs the structure and allocation of our subject and wider curriculum delivery across each year group and key stage. Our curriculum model is designed to ensure we effectively deliver our Trust’s shared curriculum intent by providing a broad and balanced curriculum and rich educational experience. We also design our academy’s curriculum model to best meet the needs of our students and locality reflecting upon courses that support the local and national job market and those that have been positive destination subjects for our students. 

At Outwood Academy Easingwold we want all students to leave our academy as well rounded individuals prepared for the world of work and their personal futures. We believe a broad and balanced curriculum for all supports this ambition; an ambition that underpins our vision to put students first, raise standards and transform lives. 

Our curriculum rationale reflects the value we place on developing our students’ personal growth and understanding of themselves, others and the world they inhabit.  Our academy is committed to promoting positive mental health and physical well being. We believe our students’ academic study should encourage them to think creatively, problem solve, develop healthy lifestyles and be part of a team supporting them to grow as individuals and develop their employability skills in readiness for the world of work. 

Our curriculum mirrors the ambitious intent of the National Curriculum.  Students begin their secondary experience studying a rich programme of English, maths, science, geography, history, one or two modern foreign languages, physical education, computer science, religious education and citizenship studied through our RE/Life programme as well as a range of expressive arts including art, music, drama and/or dance and technology subjects such as food, textiles, resistant materials etc.

Starting in Year 9, students will have the opportunity to study RE GCSE. This entitlement acknowledges the significant personal and societal benefits in studying culture and belief systems. We believe the study of Religious education supports our students personal growth and understanding of others and the world around them which in turn enhances their sense of self and personal well being. 

The study of GCSE RE across Year 9 and 10 also enables students to develop and strengthen their study skills by completing this qualification in advance of their other GCSEs. From year 10 students study GCSE English, English Literature, mathematics, and science either as combined science or triple science. In addition,  students choose three Level 2 / GCSE subjects from our Guided Pathways for completion in Year 11. Our Guided Pathways  reflect our determination to ensure a strong entitlement to the full EBacc subjects, i.e. GCSE in one English (Literature or English Language), mathematics, two sciences (including computer science), one humanities subject (geography or history) and a modern foreign language. 

To achieve the Full English Baccalaureate students must achieve a Grade 5 in each of these subjects. As part of this commitment we require all students to study either geography or history at GCSE and encourage students where appropriate to continue their study of a modern foreign language into GCSE with the option for linguists to choose to study more than one language. Our Guided Pathways provide a broad offer to all students that enables as appropriate the study of triple science, one or more languages, a second humanities subject or a personal choice from a wide range of open element GCSE or technical qualifications. Within this flexibility, opportunity is also constructed to support English and mathematics study for those students who require this support. 

The educational offer at Outwood Academy  Easingwold  promotes a broad and balanced curriculum throughout all years that enables every student to fulfill their potential with the aspiration to move forward with their educational experience into an our highly successful Sixth Form or other local further education providers and then onto higher education. For further details of our Post 16 provision please see details on our Sixth Form website pages.