Letter: Year 11 and 13 Leaving Date

Wed 12 May 2021
12th May 2021

Dear Parent/Carer, 
Year 13 and Year 11 Leavers Summer 2021 
I am pleased to be able to confirm that the last day in the Academy for Years 13 and 11 has now been confirmed as Friday 28th May.  We do expect all students to attend every day until then.  We will be offering an education to all Year 13 and Year 11 students up to 25th June.  More details will follow on this but it will be online provision with the majority of sessions being optional with some compulsory check-ins.
I would like to take this opportunity to say how proud I am of every single student in Year 13 and Year 11.  This has been an incredibly difficult year with a lot of uncertainty for all students.  They have risen to the challenge and I am incredibly proud and humbled by their dedication and hard work.  I am sure that you will agree that the staff at Easingwold have worked tirelessly to support your children throughout this process and I would like to thank them. I would also like to say thank you to you also, as parents and carers you have given so much support and encouragement to your children during a period, which I am sure you have found difficult at times.  Well done to all students and thank you to all parents and carers.
Year 13 students - I hope that your future in higher education, apprenticeships or the world of work is a successful one.  Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.  We really value our alumni sharing their experiences with current students.  In the recent pilot Ofsted inspection, one of the inspectors said what a privilege it was to talk to our sixth form students.  It really is a privilege! To have a sixth form in a school is such an advantage, especially one with students such as yourselves.  You have been incredible role models to our younger students, and every day you exemplify high expectations.  Well done and all the best for your future. Mr Garnham will be sharing more details about your leaving event with you.  We look forward to seeing you there.
Year 11 students- I am delighted so many of you are staying with us for your A-Level studies.  We will look forward to welcoming you back in September.  For those of you who are going to study A-Levels at college, vocational courses or going into apprenticeships, you are ready to start the next chapter of your lives.  I am so proud of the way you have taken everything in your stride.  Your dedication to your studies has been exemplary.  Well done.  We will be having a leaving event for you in school on the 11th June.  More information on this will be shared with you shortly.
 To all Year 13 and Year 11 please use everything that you have learnt, the resilience you have all displayed during these incredible times, the work ethic that you have shown us and the perseverance and determination you have had to succeed.  If you approach life in this way you will make yourselves and everyone around you proud.
Results day for A-level students is Tuesday 10th August and for GCSEs it is Thursday 12th August.  I will write again to you to confirm arrangements for these days.
Well done!
Yours faithfully
Laura Eddery