Principal's Blog

Fri 14 May 2021
I hope you and your families are well.

This week the Government announced that students will no longer be required to wear face masks in school, but staff should still wear them in communal areas and corridors.  Whilst it is heartening that the Government has felt we are in a position to continue to ease restrictions some people have feelings of trepidation about this.  If students wish to continue to wear face masks they will be supported to do so.  You may have seen more recently that a new variant of Covid-19 is causing concern in some areas.  If our area starts to be affected then students may be asked to wear masks again.  We will keep you informed of any information as it comes through to us.  

Years 13, 12, 11 and 10 continue to work incredibly hard in preparing evidence for their Teacher Assessed Grades.  I am so proud of them.  Year 13 and 11 had the announcement this week that the last day they are required to be in the Academy is Friday 28th May.  Some students were excited by this and some understandably, felt a little sad that their time with us is coming to an end.  As I wrote in the letter, I couldn’t be more proud of all of them.  The way that they have handled everything that has been thrown at them is incredible.  Their resilience, their work ethic and their attitude stand them in good stead for a very positive future.  For those in Year 11 who are coming back to us for sixth form - we look forward to seeing you for your transition days and again in September.  For those of you leaving us for University, college, apprenticeships or the world of work we wish you all the best and hope you keep in touch.  We are looking forward to both leaving events.  Although they are not the traditional Prom, we hope that your events are a worthy celebration of your time here.  Well done to you all!  Remember we have two weeks left in school in which we can make a difference.
It has been fantastic to see  more enrichment returning in school with the inter-form rounders competition and Drama, Music and Art now offering enrichment as well.  We hope that over the summer term we can continue to build on this in a Covid safe way.

The masterclasses for Years 7-9 have had a fantastic uptake and although there have been some teething problems, the lessons have had great feedback.  Please do keep going onto the google form we shared with you to see what is becoming available and sign up for those you are interested in, lessons will be available until we break up for the summer holidays.  Outwood Academy Easingwold students have led the way with their attendance.  Well done to all of you.

Please keep up with your twice weekly testing, this will be more important than ever as mask wearing is reduced.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and as we move into next week and the world around us opens up more, we have a lot to look forward to.

Miss Eddery